ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 15  /  O60-O77  /  O66
O66 Other obstructed labor
O66.0 Obstructed labor due to shoulder dystocia
Impacted shoulders
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.1 Obstructed labor due to locked twins
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.2 Obstructed labor due to unusually large fetus
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.3 Obstructed labor due to other abnormalities of fetus
Dystocia due to fetal ascites
Dystocia due to fetal hydrops
Dystocia due to fetal meningomyelocele
Dystocia due to fetal sacral teratoma
Dystocia due to fetal tumor
Dystocia due to hydrocephalic fetus
UseAdditionalCode code to identify cause of obstruction
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.4 Failed trial of labor
O66.40 Failed trial of labor, unspecified
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.41 Failed attempted vaginal birth after previous cesarean delivery
CodeFirst rupture of uterus, if applicable (O71.0-, O71.1)
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.5 Attempted application of vacuum extractor and forceps
Attempted application of vacuum or forceps, with subsequent delivery by forceps or cesarean delivery
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.6 Obstructed labor due to other multiple fetuses
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.8 Other specified obstructed labor
UseAdditionalCode code to identify cause of obstruction
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O66.9 Obstructed labor, unspecified
Dystocia NOS
Fetal dystocia NOS
Maternal dystocia NOS
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]