ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 15  /  O60-O77  /  O77
O77 Other fetal stress complicating labor and delivery
O77.0 Labor and delivery complicated by meconium in amniotic fluid
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O77.1 Fetal stress in labor or delivery due to drug administration
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O77.8 Labor and delivery complicated by other evidence of fetal stress
Labor and delivery complicated by electrocardiographic evidence of fetal stress
Labor and delivery complicated by ultrasonic evidence of fetal stress
Excludes1 abnormality of fetal acid-base balance (O68)
abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm (O76)
fetal metabolic acidemia (O68)
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]
O77.9 Labor and delivery complicated by fetal stress, unspecified
Excludes1 abnormality of fetal acid-base balance (O68)
abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm (O76)
fetal metabolic acidemia (O68)
sex Female
age Maternity: [12-55]