ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 18  /  R40-R46  /  R45
R45 Symptoms and signs involving emotional state
R45.0 Nervousness
Nervous tension
R45.1 Restlessness and agitation
R45.2 Unhappiness
R45.3 Demoralization and apathy
Excludes1 anhedonia (R45.84)
R45.4 Irritability and anger
R45.5 Hostility
R45.6 Violent behavior
R45.7 State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified
R45.8 Other symptoms and signs involving emotional state
R45.81 Low self-esteem
R45.82 Worries
R45.83 Excessive crying of child, adolescent or adult
Excludes1 excessive crying of infant (baby) R68.11
R45.84 Anhedonia
R45.85 Homicidal and suicidal ideations
Excludes1 suicide attempt (T14.91)
R45.850 Homicidal ideations
nonPrimary Yes
R45.851 Suicidal ideations
R45.86 Emotional lability
R45.87 Impulsiveness
R45.88 Nonsuicidal self-harm
Nonsuicidal self-injury
Nonsuicidal self-mutilation
Self-inflicted injury without suicidal intent
CodeAlso injury, if known
R45.89 Other symptoms and signs involving emotional state
Flat affect