ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 21  /  Z77-Z99  /  Z79
Z79 Long term (current) drug therapy
Includes long term (current) drug use for prophylactic purposes
CodeAlso any therapeutic drug level monitoring (Z51.81)
Excludes2 drug abuse and dependence (F11-F19)
drug use complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (O99.32-)
Z79.0 Long term (current) use of anticoagulants and antithrombotics/antiplatelets
Excludes2 long term (current) use of aspirin (Z79.82)
Z79.01 Long term (current) use of anticoagulants
Z79.02 Long term (current) use of antithrombotics/antiplatelets
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.1 Long term (current) use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID)
Excludes2 long term (current) use of aspirin (Z79.82)
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.2 Long term (current) use of antibiotics
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.3 Long term (current) use of hormonal contraceptives
Long term (current) use of birth control pill or patch
Z79.4 Long term (current) use of insulin
Excludes2 long-term (current) use of injectable non-insulin antidiabetic drugs (Z79.85)
long term (current) use of oral antidiabetic drugs (Z79.84)
long term (current) use of oral hypoglycemic drugs (Z79.84)
Z79.5 Long term (current) use of steroids
Z79.51 Long term (current) use of inhaled steroids
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.52 Long term (current) use of systemic steroids
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.6 Long term (current) use of immunomodulators and immunosuppressants
Excludes2 long term (current) use of steroids (Z79.5-)
long term (current) use of agents affecting estrogen receptors and estrogen levels (Z79.81-)
Z79.60 Long term (current) use of unspecified immunomodulators and immunosuppressants
Z79.61 Long term (current) use of immunomodulator
Long term (current) use of apremilast
Long term (current) use of immunomodulatory imide drug
Long term (current) use of lenalidomide
Long term (current) use of pomalidomide
Z79.62 Long term (current) use of immunosuppressant
Z79.620 Long term (current) use of immunosuppressive biologic
Long term (current) use of adalimumab
Long term (current) use of etanercept
Long term (current) use of infliximab
Long term (current) use of monoclonal antibodies
Z79.621 Long term (current) use of calcineurin inhibitor
Long term (current) use of cyclosporine
Long term (current) use of tacrolimus
Z79.622 Long term (current) use of Janus kinase inhibitor
Long term (current) use of tofacitinib
Z79.623 Long term (current) use of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor
Long term (current) use of sirolimus
Z79.624 Long term (current) use of inhibitors of nucleotide synthesis
Long term (current) use of azathioprine
Long term (current) use omycophenolate
Long term (current) use of purine synthesis (IMDH) inhibitors
Z79.63 Long term (current) use of chemotherapeutic agent
Z79.630 Long term (current) use of alkylating agent
Long term (current) use of chlorambucil
Long term (current) use of cisplatin
Long term (current) use of cyclophosphamide
Z79.631 Long term (current) use of antimetabolite agent
Long term (current) use of 5-fluorouracil
Long term (current) use of 6-mercaptopurine
Long term (current) use of cytarabine
Long term (current) use of methotrexate
Z79.632 Long term (current) use of antitumor antibiotic
Long term (current) use of bleomycin
Long term (current) use of doxorubicin
Long term (current) use of mitomycin C
Z79.633 Long term (current) use of mitotic inhibitor
Long term (current) use of paclitaxel
Long term (current) use of plant alkaloids
Long term (current) use of vinblastine
Long term (current) use of vincristine
Z79.634 Long term (current) use of topoisomerase inhibitor
Long term (current) use of etoposide
Long term (current) use of irinotecan
Long term (current) use of topotecan
Z79.64 Long term (current) use of myelosuppressive agent
Long term (current) use of hydroxyurea
Z79.69 Long term (current) use of other immunomodulators and immunosuppressants
Z79.8 Other long term (current) drug therapy
Z79.81 Long term (current) use of agents affecting estrogen receptors and estrogen levels
CodeFirst , if applicable:
malignant neoplasm of breast (C50.-)
malignant neoplasm of prostate (C61)
UseAdditionalCode code, if applicable, to identify:
estrogen receptor positive status (Z17.0)
family history of breast cancer (Z80.3)
genetic susceptibility to malignant neoplasm (cancer) (Z15.0-)
personal history of breast cancer (Z85.3)
personal history of prostate cancer (Z85.46)
postmenopausal status (Z78.0)
Excludes1 hormone replacement therapy (Z79.890)
Z79.810 Long term (current) use of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)
Long term (current) use of raloxifene (Evista)
Long term (current) use of tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
Long term (current) use of toremifene (Fareston)
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.811 Long term (current) use of aromatase inhibitors
Long term (current) use of anastrozole (Arimidex)
Long term (current) use of exemestane (Aromasin)
Long term (current) use of letrozole (Femara)
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.818 Long term (current) use of other agents affecting estrogen receptors and estrogen levels
Long term (current) use of estrogen receptor downregulators
Long term (current) use of fulvestrant (Faslodex)
Long term (current) use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist
Long term (current) use of goserelin acetate (Zoladex)
Long term (current) use of leuprolide acetate (leuprorelin) (Lupron)
Long term (current) use of megestrol acetate (Megace)
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.82 Long term (current) use of aspirin
Z79.83 Long term (current) use of bisphosphonates
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.84 Long term (current) use of oral hypoglycemic drugs
Long term (current) use of oral antidiabetic drugs
Excludes2 long-term (current) use of injectable non-insulin antidiabetic drugs (Z79.85)
long term (current) use of insulin (Z79.4)
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.85 Long-term (current) use of injectable non-insulin antidiabetic drugs
Excludes2 long term (current) use of insulin (Z79.4)
long term (current) use of oral hypoglycemic drugs (Z79.84)
Z79.89 Other long term (current) drug therapy
Z79.890 Hormone replacement therapy
nonPrimary Yes
Z79.891 Long term (current) use of opiate analgesic
Long term (current) use of methadone for pain management
Excludes1 methodone use NOS (F11.9-)
use of methodone for treatment of heroin addiction (F11.2-)
Z79.899 Other long term (current) drug therapy