ICD-10-CM Book 2024 Edition

Chapters  /  Chapter 16  /  P50-P61

Hemorrhagic and hematological disorders of newborn (P50-P61)

Excludes1: congenital stenosis and stricture of bile ducts (Q44.3)
Crigler-Najjar syndrome (E80.5)
Dubin-Johnson syndrome (E80.6)
Gilbert syndrome (E80.4)
hereditary hemolytic anemias (D55-D58)
P50 Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss
Excludes1 congenital anemia from intrauterine (fetal) blood loss (P61.3)
P50.0 Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss from vasa previa
P50.1 Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss from ruptured cord
P50.2 Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss from placenta
P50.3 Newborn affected by hemorrhage into co-twin
P50.4 Newborn affected by hemorrhage into maternal circulation
P50.5 Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss from cut end of co-twin's cord
P50.8 Newborn affected by other intrauterine (fetal) blood loss
P50.9 Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss, unspecified
Newborn affected by fetal hemorrhage NOS
P51 Umbilical hemorrhage of newborn
Excludes1 omphalitis with mild hemorrhage (P38.1)
umbilical hemorrhage from cut end of co-twins cord (P50.5)
P51.0 Massive umbilical hemorrhage of newborn
P51.8 Other umbilical hemorrhages of newborn
Slipped umbilical ligature NOS
P51.9 Umbilical hemorrhage of newborn, unspecified
P52 Intracranial nontraumatic hemorrhage of newborn
Includes intracranial hemorrhage due to anoxia or hypoxia
Excludes1 intracranial hemorrhage due to birth injury (P10.-)
intracranial hemorrhage due to other injury (S06.-)
P52.0 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 1, of newborn
Subependymal hemorrhage (without intraventricular extension)
Bleeding into germinal matrix
P52.1 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 2, of newborn
Subependymal hemorrhage with intraventricular extension
Bleeding into ventricle
P52.2 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 3 and grade 4, of newborn
P52.21 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 3, of newborn
Subependymal hemorrhage with intraventricular extension with enlargement of ventricle
P52.22 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 4, of newborn
Bleeding into cerebral cortex
Subependymal hemorrhage with intracerebral extension
P52.3 Unspecified intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn
P52.4 Intracerebral (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn
P52.5 Subarachnoid (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn
P52.6 Cerebellar (nontraumatic) and posterior fossa hemorrhage of newborn
P52.8 Other intracranial (nontraumatic) hemorrhages of newborn
P52.9 Intracranial (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn, unspecified
P53 Hemorrhagic disease of newborn
Vitamin K deficiency of newborn
P54 Other neonatal hemorrhages
Excludes1 newborn affected by (intrauterine) blood loss (P50.-)
pulmonary hemorrhage originating in the perinatal period (P26.-)
P54.0 Neonatal hematemesis
Excludes1 neonatal hematemesis due to swallowed maternal blood (P78.2)
P54.1 Neonatal melena
Excludes1 neonatal melena due to swallowed maternal blood (P78.2)
P54.2 Neonatal rectal hemorrhage
P54.3 Other neonatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage
P54.4 Neonatal adrenal hemorrhage
P54.5 Neonatal cutaneous hemorrhage
Neonatal bruising
Neonatal ecchymoses
Neonatal petechiae
Neonatal superficial hematomata
Excludes2 bruising of scalp due to birth injury (P12.3)
cephalhematoma due to birth injury (P12.0)
P54.6 Neonatal vaginal hemorrhage
Neonatal pseudomenses
sex Female
P54.8 Other specified neonatal hemorrhages
P54.9 Neonatal hemorrhage, unspecified
P55 Hemolytic disease of newborn
P55.0 Rh isoimmunization of newborn
P55.1 ABO isoimmunization of newborn
P55.8 Other hemolytic diseases of newborn
P55.9 Hemolytic disease of newborn, unspecified
P56 Hydrops fetalis due to hemolytic disease
Excludes1 hydrops fetalis NOS (P83.2)
P56.0 Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization
P56.9 Hydrops fetalis due to other and unspecified hemolytic disease
P56.90 Hydrops fetalis due to unspecified hemolytic disease
P56.99 Hydrops fetalis due to other hemolytic disease
P57 Kernicterus
P57.0 Kernicterus due to isoimmunization
P57.8 Other specified kernicterus
Excludes1 Crigler-Najjar syndrome (E80.5)
P57.9 Kernicterus, unspecified
P58 Neonatal jaundice due to other excessive hemolysis
Excludes1 jaundice due to isoimmunization (P55-P57)
P58.0 Neonatal jaundice due to bruising
P58.1 Neonatal jaundice due to bleeding
P58.2 Neonatal jaundice due to infection
P58.3 Neonatal jaundice due to polycythemia
P58.4 Neonatal jaundice due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother or given to newborn
CodeFirst poisoning due to drug or toxin, if applicable (T36-T65 with fifth or sixth character 1-4)
UseAdditionalCode code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5)
P58.41 Neonatal jaundice due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother
P58.42 Neonatal jaundice due to drugs or toxins given to newborn
P58.5 Neonatal jaundice due to swallowed maternal blood
P58.8 Neonatal jaundice due to other specified excessive hemolysis
P58.9 Neonatal jaundice due to excessive hemolysis, unspecified
P59 Neonatal jaundice from other and unspecified causes
Excludes1 jaundice due to inborn errors of metabolism (E70-E88)
kernicterus (P57.-)
P59.0 Neonatal jaundice associated with preterm delivery
Hyperbilirubinemia of prematurity
Jaundice due to delayed conjugation associated with preterm delivery
P59.1 Inspissated bile syndrome
P59.2 Neonatal jaundice from other and unspecified hepatocellular damage
Excludes1 congenital viral hepatitis (P35.3)
P59.20 Neonatal jaundice from unspecified hepatocellular damage
P59.29 Neonatal jaundice from other hepatocellular damage
Neonatal giant cell hepatitis
Neonatal (idiopathic) hepatitis
P59.3 Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor
P59.8 Neonatal jaundice from other specified causes
P59.9 Neonatal jaundice, unspecified
Neonatal physiological jaundice (intense)(prolonged) NOS
P60 Disseminated intravascular coagulation of newborn
Defibrination syndrome of newborn
P61 Other perinatal hematological disorders
Excludes1 transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy (D80.7)
P61.0 Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia
Neonatal thrombocytopenia due to exchange transfusion
Neonatal thrombocytopenia due to idiopathic maternal thrombocytopenia
Neonatal thrombocytopenia due to isoimmunization
P61.1 Polycythemia neonatorum
P61.2 Anemia of prematurity
P61.3 Congenital anemia from fetal blood loss
P61.4 Other congenital anemias, not elsewhere classified
Congenital anemia NOS
P61.5 Transient neonatal neutropenia
Excludes1 congenital neutropenia (nontransient) (D70.0)
P61.6 Other transient neonatal disorders of coagulation
P61.8 Other specified perinatal hematological disorders
P61.9 Perinatal hematological disorder, unspecified